Monday, June 28, 2010

Game Shop Notes #2: Playin' Games

I was planning this post and decided to walk over to Museum Street one lunchtime and check my facts (like any good reporter). What a shock to find the shop stripped bare and locked up. Gone! And no note on the door with a new address. So who knows if Playin' Games has a future or if they are gone forever.

This is a sad loss of a prime showcase for the hobby. It was a handsome blue shopfront with an appealing window display and lots of the more accessible games on the ground floor. Downstairs there was a really good selection of Eurogames and wargames, with a big RPG section as well. The staff were always friendly and helpful to me, but I gather they could be less helpful to women and other people outside the hobby - an unfortunate attribute given their position in the heart of tourist London (opposite the British Museum).

I spent quite a bit of money in there over the years, but I guess they were being squeezed by online discounters like Infinity Games. I fear for our local game shops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter, the closure of Playin' Games is a tragedy. I agree, we supplied them War on Terror which was one of their best sellers over the last two years, unfortunately it wasn't enough! apologies.

I've got some crazy news for you though which might cheer you up, it's worth a shot.

I'm the publisher (and the illustrator) of 'War on Terror, the
boardgame' and 'Crunch - the game for utter bankers'.

I don't know if you've heard of them but we're doing something rather
bonkers for edition 2 of War on Terror.

We're having an auction which starts this Friday, it's a bit unusual...

here are full details:

Basically, we're auctioning off the space on the War on Terror money, so that you can have your face on it, for the next 5,000 sets! I just couldn't keep this to myself, feel free to tell the world.

All the best and carry on gaming, naturally...

