Thursday, June 14, 2001

I've just had three days of feeling poorly. It started on Monday morning with a dizzy attack when I arrived at work, followed by a day-long headache. This was still with me on Tuesday, and by lunchtime I decided I'd had enough and drove home (feeling pretty groggy - this was a bit scary!) Good job I did because I slept all afternoon then threw up. Wednesday pottered around at home feeling fragile but enjoying the sun. Even spent some time sitting outside Starbucks in town - hope no-one from NTL saw me! Back to work today, still not 100% but functioning OK.

What's the culprit? Top suspects are stress and caffeine. I don't feel consciously stressed at the moment, but I could write down quite a list of things I should/could be worried about so perhaps there is a level of stress I'm not aware of. And I did drink a lot of coffee and tea while wargaming on Sunday afternoon (so it's all James' fault!) A few years back I had a number of severe dizzy attacks and the doctor told me to cut the caffeine right down. I guess I've been letting that slip lately. Phil says he is going to clear the house of caffeine!

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