Thursday, August 04, 2005

It's very slack at work at the moment, so I've taken the opportunity to tidy up my list of game blogs. It's really grown! There are a lot of new bloggers talking about games - let's hope a good proportion of them keep going past the initial fizzle-out point and become established weblogs.

I've also tidied up my naming of these blogs, for example, "tajmahalfred" doesn't seem to call himself that any more. But the headline name of his blog "Musings, Ramblings, and Things Left Unsaid" is too wide to fit on my blogroll, so I've just called it musings. In spite of the unwieldy and boring name this is one of the best gaming blogs around.

Of the new boys, pearland and lumbersmiths look especially promising.



Alfred said...

It is kind of a long one, isn't it? Sometimes I call it MR&TLU, but that makes it pretty unobvious about what the blog actually is...On the "to do" list is coming up with a name that trips off the keyboard a little bit better.

Thanks for the kind words--and the heads-up on those new blogs...

Agent Easy said...

If you're interested, we've had a gaming blog going for a while (a little over a year):