Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I sometimes think maybe I dash around too much. Take last weekend for example. Here are some snapshots from my schedule:

Friday 8:30pm, The Yew Tree Odstock, 5 miles outside Salisbury - meeting Simon, Fiona, Simon's two daughters and their boyfriends for a meal to celebrate Simon's birthday.

Saturday 10:30am, Sarah's nice new flat in Battersea - Workshop Team Day, preparing for this year's course by playing games with string in the garden in the sunshine.

Saturday 6:30pm, London South Bank - wandering with Sue through some kind of festival with lots of stalls, musicians, a boat race on the river, crowds of people.

Sunday 7:45am, St Thomas Church, Farnham - robing up for the first time in over 30 years to help at the altar in the Communion service.

Sunday 4:15pm, Woldingham Valley just off M25 junction 6 - in my paragliding gear, clipping onto the tow line ready for a winch launch. Feeling a bit nervous as we are experimenting with a new method for retrieving the line.

Some time soon it might be nice to just spend a quiet weekend at home.


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